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20240930-1800 | Today's Chart, Washington, DC, 02/18/2025 03:02:03 AM EDT +04:00, euro style 1 harmonic
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Saturn Saturn
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Aries Aries
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Capricorn Capricorn
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StarType: The Antenna
StarType Here is a time when receptivity is enhanced, and there is a natural sense of caring and tending to whatever needs attention - compassion. Not a physically warm or touchy-feely time, perhaps not even fun-filled, but one oriented to detail, real concern, and an increased ability to respond to what comes to your attention: responsibility. Serving and caring for others and things are in order. And while thinking and the mind is to the fore, this is not by that token the best time to do overall strategy planning, as the mind is not clear in the getting-the-big-picture sense.
Solunar Angle: 243°26'
Solunar Angle This is a good time to just lay off the throttle, and let things coast. In fact, you may want to take stock and step back while you have plenty of energy and a growing understanding of your situation. You should have the general idea now of how things are for you, and this is a perfect time to conserve your gains, and even plug some of the leaks. Conservation is a key word. Begin to draw some conclusions.
Closest Aspect: Mars Waxing Trine to Saturn
Closest Aspect A time of heightened energy, when you can bring force to bear that will help you build a strong infrastructure, but be very careful. It would be easy at this point to push too hard, use too much force and damage or break something. A gentle but constant pressure to work things out will succeed. Anything more may cause harm.
Interpretation Text by Michael Erlewine
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