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230529-0743 | Today's Chart, Washington, DC, 07/07/2024 05:20:51 AM EDT +04:00, euro style 1 harmonic
Astrological Wheel
The Planets
Earth Earth
Moon Moon
Sun Sun
Mercury Mercury
Venus Venus
Mars Mars
Jupiter Jupiter
Saturn Saturn
Uranus Uranus
Neptune Neptune
Pluto Pluto
The Signs
Aries Aries
Taurus Taurus
Gemini Gemini
Cancer Cancer
Leo Leo
Virgo Virgo
Libra Libra
Scorpio Scorpio
Sagittarius Sagittarius
Capricorn Capricorn
Aquarius Aquarius
Pisces Pisces

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StarType: Charisma
StarType This is a very physical time, where you may learn more by going on your hunches and feelings, rather than just thinking things through - using your intellect. Feel it out, be in touch, go hands-on, rather than standing back and coolly observing. And this is a gregarious time, rubbing shoulders, getting close, right in there - glad handing. This is people time, perhaps good for a get together, for parties, convocations - whatever is immediate and sensual. Warmth, togetherness, charisma - all make sense now. Not the clearest time or one for making detailed plans. This is a time to let go. Very practical.
Solunar Angle: 017°07'
Solunar Angle Here is a time to put new ideas that you feel coming up within you to work. It may well be at this point that you feel a sense of a renewed impulse, an inner feeling that you can get your hands around and more-or-less shape into a plan of action. And you are not above asking for help, so this could involve a more community-oriented frame of mind, one where you reach out so that many hands can make more sense of things. Most important may be to not loose sight of the original impulse that gave rise to these ideas and current plans.
Closest Aspect: Mars Waxing Sextile to Saturn
Closest Aspect This is an excellent time to put plans to reorganize or to otherwise channel your energy into motion, but be warned. You will meet with many minor annoyances, whatever can rise up to oppose and/or slow you down. These can't be brushed aside, but should be taken care of. Forward motion is then possible.
Interpretation Text by Michael Erlewine
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