List of Astrological Readings
Our most popular report and one of the finest astrological horoscopes ever written. Giving you a no-nonsense and easy-to-understand interpretation of your chart, step by step, this report will guide you through an inward tour that will uncover the personal talents, skills, and potentials that are uniquely yours.
Natal Report | PDF format | 35 to 40 pages | one person reading |
The Birthday Report
The most advanced Solar Return Forecasting interpretation ever produced!
Birthday Report is very special in that it is an example of what, in the trade, is called an evergreen report, meaning, it will never go out of style! Let's face it, we all have birthdays, if not, we are no longer alive!
Solar Return Forecasting Report | PDF | 30 to 35 pages | one person reading |
In writing Child*Star, the author, a Montessori teacher, has brought you the best of 23 years of astrological study in addition to the fruit of 10 years' experience in the classroom. You'll find in Child*Star a first-hand understanding of the trials and joys of parenthood. In studying the child's chart--as a representation of the book of his life with many pages left to write on--we seek to understand him better in order to guide, help, and instruct him in bringing out his special uniqueness, his calling in life, his special star.
Natal Report | PDF format | 34 to 40 pages | one person reading |
Life Chakras
Your Inclinations and Disinclinations Life Chakras provides an in-depth report about inclinations (propensities) and disinclinations (antipathies) - your likes and dislikes. This is the first chakra-related report based on sound astrological and astronomical techniques, the actual skeleton structure of the solar system itself.
Inclinations Report | PDF format | 15 to 20 pages | one person reading |
The Friends Report
A compatibility and relationship report that provides an in-depth description on how you relate to a friend. Actually this report consists of four separate reports in one, starting with how the two of you approach the friend relationships, the role you tend to take on when relating to others.
Synastry Relationship | PDF format | 30 to 35 pages | two person reading |
The Lovers Report
A compatibility and relationship report that provides an in-depth description on how you relate to a partner or friend. Actually this report consists of four separate reports in one, starting with how you approach relationships, the role you tend to take on when relating to others.
Synastry Relationship | PDF format | 30 to 35 pages | two person reading |
The Eros Report
Love and its erotic consummation is an all-consuming flame – and sex isn’t just skin deep, it permeates every cell in your body. You’re a sexual being to the core, not just when you’re in a lover’s arms but every moment of the day.
Astro-Sexual Report | PDF format | 33 to 37 pages | two person reading |
Star*Types is the result of more than forty years of research and counseling by veteran astrologer Michael Erlewine. It is unique in joining the centuries-old traditional astrological chart with the modern astronomical and scientific perspective of our solar system.
Relationship | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading |
Star*Types Compatibility
Our relationships with our lover, family, friends, and co-workers goes to the very heart of life as we know it. We each are in a web of relations and, depending on who we are relating to, we can play very different roles. Knowing what our preferred role is in each of our many relationships can be very important, and that is where Star*Types Compatibility comes in.
Compatibility | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | two person reading |
Star*Type Life Path
What are we really good for? How might we be best put to use in this life? What would we be actually happy doing? These are the questions that the Life Path Report is designed to answer.
Vocational Decisions | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading |
Star*Type Life Strategy
None of us are perfect. We are born with both talents and needs. We trade on our talents to get what we need. The StarType Strategy report provides in-depth details on your natal StarType, plus sections on your particular talents and also what you need, areas of life where you may fall short.
Life Strategy | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading |
Local Space
What does astrology have to say about the place you were born? What if you moved to another city? How would that affect you? What about traveling to or vacationing there? What is the best place for you to live? There are just a few of the questions most of us have about relocation.
Relocation | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading |
Life Landscape
Although astrologers use many techniques, almost all are in agreement that the movement of the planet Saturn, the great timekeeper, is a planet that affects all of us. In particular, as Saturn moves through the astrology chart in its thirty-year cycle it marks out a path that all must follow, ready or not.
Relocation | PDF format | 25 to 30 pages | one person reading |
Ten-Year Luck Cycles
The Ten-Year Luck Cycles are one of the primary ways Chinese Astrologers anticipate what will happen to us during our lifetime. Each section lasts ten years, and during these years, certain 'luck' or luck factors are in force, influencing us. By knowing in advance what these factors are, it is possible to shape these forces to our advantage, lessening the impact of the difficult parts and enhancing the effect of the better parts.
Chinese Report | PDF format | 17 to 27 pages | one person reading |
Pillars of Destiny
If we had to sum up, in a single word, what Four Pillars Astrology is all about, that word would be "balance." Balance is the key to unlocking one's individual destiny as it is coded in the Four Pillars– the hour, day, month, and year of birth. Four Pillars Astrology provides us with a unique viewpoint, offering an alternate (but complementary) view of our life in comparison to the one western astrology provides.
Chinese Report | PDF format | 19 pages | one person reading |
Four Pillars Annual Report
The following report is a map of the interactions, changes, and possible transformations of a ten-year period. This report comes complete with traditional interpretations, and has guidelines on how to anticipate obstacles and enhance opportunities. By studying this map, you will be better equipped to know when to reach out and advance and when to hold back and conserve. We hope you enjoy your Annual Four Pillar Report.
Chinese Report | PDF format | 17 to 27 pages | one person reading |
Dharma Chart Karma Chart
The Dharma Chart, Karma Chart Report is a combination of the traditional Earth-centered natal chart, which I call the Karma Chart, because it is a map of our personality and the circumstances of life into which we have been born, and the Sun-centered astronomer's chart, which I call the Dharma Chart, a map of the deep soul or spirit of each of us that lives behind the personality.
Geo/Helio Report | PDF format | 19 to 20 pages | one person reading |
Parents as Persons Report
As the old saying goes, we can pick our partners and friends, but we can’t pick our family. Here astrology can offer us a second opinion on who our mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers actually are and how we fit in with them. For you, your mother, and your father there will be a description of what you each are like as an individual and then how each of you relate to one another - your Parents as Persons.
Family Relationships | PDF format | 11 pages | three person reading |
Siblings as Persons Report
As the old saying goes, we can pick our partners and friends, but we can’t pick our family. Here astrology can offer us a second opinion on who our mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers actually are and how we fit in with them. For you, your brother, and your sister there will be a description of what you each are like as an individual and then how each of you relate to one another - your Siblings as Persons.
Family Relationships | PDF format | 11 pages | three person reading |
TimeLine is the most comprehensive forecasting report that incorporates several techniques commonly used by astrologers.
Progressions, transits, and directions all in one!
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 25 to 35 pages | one person reading |
Communications and Connections Forecast
Mercury is the planet of all communications, the links and connections that keep us alert and aware of what is going on around us. A forecast when you can expect to connect and communicate.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading |
Love and Values Forecast
Venus is the planet of love and compassion, everything we care about and also how we go about caring. The planet Venus not only relates to questions of romance, but is also all about our values, what we value, and the value of things in our life. The times when your love concerns and values will be strongest.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading |
Drive and Ambition Forecast
Mars is the planet of drive and ambition, literally what motivates us and urges us on onward along whatever path we take. Mars keeps us going; it is the way we reach out and where at times push comes to shove. A time map when real drive and ambition will be available to you.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading |
Career & Life Path Forecast
Jupiter is the planet of career and life direction. One of the ancient Sanskrit words for Jupiter is 'guru' and Jupiter is literally the guide as well as the path we take through life. A forecast of times when career and life-path decisions will be most possible for your chart.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading |
Discipline and Control Forecast
Saturn is all about organization, control, and discipline, either exercised by ourselves or applied to us externally by some outside power, more or less our choice. A forecast of times when career and life-path decisions will be most possible for your chart.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading |
Innovation & Insight Forecast
Uranus charts the path of innovation and discovery in our lives, not what stabilizes and binds us (Saturn), but what liberates and frees us. A roadmap of when insight and discovery are most possible for you.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading |
Imagination and Spirituality Forecast
Neptune is the planet of imagination, artistic (life music, film, the arts) and also all forms of spiritual unity, including our visions of togetherness -all that we share in common. A calendar forecast of times for spiritual and imagination events in your life.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading |
Transformation Forecast
Pluto stands for true transformation, experiences that touch us so deeply, make us feel so vulnerable, that we are somehow changed forever. A day-by-day guide to times of real change and transformation.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading |