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Parents as Persons

You Can't Pick Your Family

As the old saying goes, we can pick our partners and friends, but we can’t pick our family. As some say, we are stuck with our family, for better or for worse, just like a marriage. Many marriages today are not even life long, but for most of us our family relationships indeed last our entire lives. They don’t go away and divorce is not an option. Blood is still thicker than water. And many of these family relationships are unexamined.

We don’t question these relationships and perhaps we have never even had the opportunity to consider what they really involve or are like. Hopefully, this report will help in this regard, for here astrology can offer us a second opinion on who our mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers actually are and how we fit in with them.

The approach here is a simple one. For you, your mother, and your father there will be a description of what you each are like as an individual and then how each of you relate to one another.

Sample Report PDF