Matrix Software
Star*Types Compatibility Report - Astrology Personal Compatibility Reading
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Our relationships with our lover, family, friends, and co-workers goes to the very heart of life as we know it. We each are in a web of relations and, depending on who we are relating to, we can play very different roles. Knowing what our preferred role is in each of our many relationships can be very important, and that is where StarTypes Compatibility comes in.

StarTypes have from the very beginning been all about relationships, like who the two partners are, and how they go together or relate with one another. StarTypes Compatibility reports differ from mainstream astrology in that they combine the long tradition of ancient astrology with the results of modern astronomy to create a unique 3-D view of a relationship.

StarTypes Compatibility reports represent over 40 years of research and consultation by astrologer Michael Erlewine. Erlewine is an internationally-known astrologer with dozens of published books, articles, and over 50 years of experience as an astrologer.

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All sales are final and not refundable.

Also Note that the interpretive report that you ordered is emailed to you manually as file attachment. Therefore, it may be subject to being automatically sent to your email spam folder.

If you did not receive the report that you ordered within 24 to 48 hours, check your spam folder, it might be there. If it is not there either, send us an email to so we can recreate the report that you ordered.

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